Sunday, May 31, 2009

Things I wish I could afford...

So these are from Fergie,they are gorgeous. I'm going to start selling Barbecue plates to help me buy these. At they are priced at $98.00, which is what I usually pay for heels anyway,but I cant afford them right now. Hell I cant even pay eight bucks. So, would anyone like to buy a barbecue plate?

Dumb ass of the day...

As a sales person I witness a lot of dumb asses everyday;which can lead to me to believe that some people should not be allowed to leave the house. Seriously, I cant even count the number of tourist who ask If they can use pesos. So this is a new post I will be doing almost everyday (maybe even twice a day) and it will include customers who are rude and stupid.

I am at the cash register checking out a customer. She hands me her bank card.


Debit?(we have to ask this because some people do not know the pin for it)




Can I see your Id please


(pissed )

uhhh this is stupid


What is?


That I have to get my Id. It's debit too.


Did you not tell me credit? I didn't know that meant debit, I will try to read your mind the next time.


Well It's stupid to ask for Id


Like I said I will try to read your mind next time. And If you happen to lose your card today and someone else finds it and tries to use it here, I will be happy to not check for ID. Thank you bye.

The customer rolls her eyes and walks out.

I have not yet learned the art of keeping my mouth shut when the customer is a complete ass. How can I if they call my actions stupid, please tell me?

Friday, May 29, 2009

I Am now officially deppressed...

Today I decided to finish my photo album I started, like a year ago. What do I find? Skinny pictures of myself. It must be noted while I am typing this I am indulging in chocolate cake. No wonder I've gained about an x amount of weight since I've moved in with my boyfriend. He ruined my once thin figure and now it's just thighs, thighs, THIGHS...oh the horror!!!!!! But he has the, "no babe those jeans don't make you look fat" line down like a pro. I swear everyday while killing a bag of Hot Cheetos's ( my fat vice) I say, "starting tomorrow no more of this shit" hahah I am not kidding. I mean I don't hate my body and I love my new found curves, but this cant be good in the long run. My boss makes it a point everyday to say "oh I remember when you use to have a good figure" what a bitch!!! It's all good, my pinkie has more curves than that tooth pick HA. I like to say she's just jealous and wishes she could have pair of actual boobs. Any who I leave you with Richard Simmons hahah

Laurie, do you remember when Luis, you, and I actually tried to work out to this.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Top 5 Reasons why I hate the summer....

5. My Fashion style is much more suited for winter.
I've never been big on showing off my shoulders or wearing shorts. I have never, and will never look good in shorts. But this summer I've had more of an opened mind, so it has been fun looking for new and interesting clothing that I never thought I would wear.
4. The market I work in now closes at 8
Uhhh how I hate to deal with annoying tourists for 2 more hours than usual. Having to hear "Do you work here" while I have staff printed on my clothing in 5 different areas, walking around with the note pad, behind the register, and after I asked If you needed help. I also hate when they act like a snob towards me while they are wearing crocks, odd.
3. The Texas heat
The other day I felt as if I was going to die within the 5 minutes I was outside, in the car, while the air conditioner was on. I don't care If I lived here all my life I will never get use to the heat. And fuck trying to look cute for the day while sweat is coming out of everywhere.
2. Being broke
Well I'm always broke, but it's especially more depressing during the summer time. While everyone is out on vacation I'm stuck at home counting pennies; all the while looking at other people on myspace having fun at the beach. Those bitches!!!
1. Perhaps the most depressing: All my favorite network shows are on break.
I'm totally going through Lost withdraws. I don't care what you hoes say It's amazing. Yeah, It gets confusing and you have to have an incredible memory, because someone or something will bust out from season fucking 2. I will now leave you with my favorite moment form Lost...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Why is tie-dye becoming fashionable again. ( As if it ever was) I think of it ass the crocks of yesterday. But It is everywhere again, celebrity's and designers alike are accepting it. Thankfully it's not so in your face but more so dare I say it, cute.
Alright the above dress isn't my exact example of cute but this is more like it.....
I bought this last month, I know I'm such a hypocrite. Oh well!!!!!

Apartment search

So, today I am going to look at an apartment, I hope it does not suck. Supposedly it has a walk-in-closet so that is a huge plus, I have soooooooo many clothes and heels. I have never done this, Ray already lived in the apartment before I hurdled in so I just signed a lease. But, this is my first apartment by myself and it just seems like so much. I need to do this so I can learn to be completely independent, moving in my own apartment seems like a good step to take. So wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Why?.... Why, must Idol always fuck me over? First It was Bo, then Melinda, and now my disco queen Adam. I Mean Kris was always my second favorite, he put up an amazing fight till the end, but I so looooooove Adam. I was for sure Adam had it but this shit surprised the fuck out of me, shit it surprised the fuck out of Kris. Well at least it wasn't Danny Gokey. Anyway, I'm sooo happy Idol has regained my attention again. Lets talk about the finale for a min, did you see Allison's crotch shot? Ewwwwwwwww, what the hell was going on there? I'll admit I hit the fast forward button through some of the boring shit, almost all of it. I did love Kara's performance though, highlight of the night! It excused her from that hideous song she co-wrote. All in all I'm happy but soooooo not happy with the result. Does that make sense?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This is not working

I pose exactly the same in every picture I take....

Have I not learned anything from "Americas Next Top Model". I really need a new pose, any suggestions? Because, this just isn't working.

Gym Rat

Earlier in the week I was really motivated to workout. I told myself over and over, "That's it I'm over being chubby". Well ask me how my workouts are going?.........I refuse to give in to the pressure of conforming to society's image of "beauty". That's the excuse I plan to use for a while.

Monday, May 18, 2009

"Bubbles, Bubbles, dumb ass Bubbles"?

Bubbles schooled those trash talkers by explaining what global warming is, none of those hoes knew what it was . Yeah she sounded like a 5 yr old, but she knew what she was talking about. And they still had the nerve to look at her as if she was slow, but they're just jealous. Genius Bubbles lasted for about 5 sec because she then went on to explain that, people who take baths in the river are happy. Dumb ass Bubbles is back!

Things I wish I could afford

This beauty is from Betsey Johnson, zippers(which are on everything this season) and all. I don't even want to know the price,I just want to stare and salivate.


A couple of months ago i signed up at, the one that Kim Kardashian promotes. They give you a list of questions thentheir team of stylist choose shoes for you, each month. It's pretty neat actually because you sign up for free and your not obligated to actually buy the shoes. Plus, free shipping!!! I have yet to order anything but I did like these...

I'm still worried about the quality of the shoe, but for $39 it's worth a try.

Attention all pedestrians

On Wed May 20th we urge everyone to stay indoors....
Why? Because I'm learning how to drive!Yes, I'm 21 and still don't know which one is the break pedal HA. My mom still refuses to learn and my 24 year old (i think) sister just learned; we were/are avid "come pick my ass up" people.. Anyways, I need to do this especially since I want to be all independent and shit.I'm so sick and tired of taking the bus where people talk to themselves, even if it is amusing.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Security Douche

So we got a new "security" guard in the market today....uhhhh he makes me want to throw up in my mouth. He's the geezer who got beat up everyday in high school and never got over it. Every time I turned around he was all up in my face along with lame jokes, claiming this is how he makes "friends". Even one of our customers called him out on his lame attempt of flirting, it even went so far as for him to put his hand on his gun(the one that actually works), who the fuck does that. He picked up on me ignoring him so he totally went all "I'm a security guard so you must follow my orders" bullshit. Hopefully I'm not alone in wanting to punch him in the face so someone else can pull his shorts over his head.So my day was filled with hiding and pretending to be busy until I got to leave that dump, with no late night assholes to stop me. Then Ray came home after his trip to El Paso and made my day better!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Dear, Late Night Assholes

Go the fuck home because I know I want to, instead I'm having to deal with annoying bitches like you all. Quit asking me if we are closed, while I'm counting out the register and already barricaded the doors. Don't give me sad face outside the windows while repeating over and over "But I came all the way from Canada", I don't care. And occasionally while in a good mood I'll let you shop after hours, don't walk around the store and take your sweet fucking time choosing a shirt. Just a friendly reminder, when the gate is closed with a lock chances are the store is CLOSED.
An annoyed sales associate

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Google bar addicted

Every now and then I put meaningless shit in the Google bar to see what pops up, I know I'm stupid. Anyways, I continued to enter gorgeous shoes in the images section and this bitch popped up...

UHHHHH she is everywhere, alright I'll admit it I like her songs, for 5 min, but she is getting a little ridiculous. I think my announce for her started with this

And lets not forget this "gem"
For once I'd like to see her on a red carpet looking like she can rests her arms or at least breath.
Alright thats enough Google tool bar for one night.

Do cheap apartments exists?

What the fuck do I have to do to find a affordable apartment? Have actual money? I'm a student with a minimum wage job who cannot find a decent apartment, HELP! I look, and look, with only one apt. that has captured my interests, a box. It' s about the size of my thumb, a 267 Sq ft efficiency, amazing. My entire Lucille Ball collection alone will eat up all the space and where the hell am I going to put my shoes? But It will have to do besides the box will be all mine :) SCREW THAT, I'm going to suffocate AHHHHHHHH. Alright enough of that, sorry for my busts of screams aka caps lock. The shit hole will have to do.

My new favorite youtube channel....

I discovered Garfunkel And Oats when I visited (if you have not read this site, go now!). Anyways they are hilarious, incredibly talented, and soooo cute.

Friday, May 8, 2009

I do not look good in glasses.

I look like such a dork, but not many people read here so, whatever.

When my sister and I where little my dad brought us both glasses to match his, yes we looked liked dumb asses but we did not care. That my friends was the only time it was acceptable for me to where glasses, ever. Seriously I look like such a douche in glasses, but I thought I'd give them a try for the millionth time.

3 more days!!!!

And this wonderful piece of slutty trash will have me fixated for weeks. Charm School 3 premiers this Sunday and I couldn't be anymore excited!! I know, I need to get a life but I can't help it, I'm addicted to reality television. Plus Ricki fucking Lake is the host, and next year I'm hoping Jenny Jones will take over. My boyfriend use to hate these shows but I quickly fixed that, oh and "somebody push my ass" quickly got his attention. But his heart belongs to ....

HAHA, no not Frenchie! Seriously when Miami won he was so upset, as he banged his fists against the floor and repeatedly said over and over "I can't believe that bitch won". He was rooting for Tailor Made. I for one wanted prancer to win, but still enjoyed laughing at Ray's disappointment.

FINALS ARE OVER!!!!!! Damn, guys I've been studying my ass off this week to pass this semester, since I've been slacking up until now. So I'm ready to do my happy dance and drink wine till I pass out tonight.

Monday, May 4, 2009

It's been awhile since my last post so I felt obligated to chime in. My life has been really stressfully lately, with school and other things. I'm just trying to get passed hell week aka FINALS! Seriously, I cant stand devoting all my time to studying, even if it does pay off in the end. I become a zombie in my own apartment surrounded by a million papers and hand made flash cards. It's odd throughout high school It was a miracle when I'd study, yet I passed every time. I CANT DO THAT IN COLLEGE UGHHH! Every semester my main goal is to become more organized, uh I've been in college now since 2006, and still cant bundle my papers into a damn folder.