Friday, December 18, 2009

Anyone want to buy some couches?

So I'm selling my couches on craigslist so, you know, I can eat. I would just put those hoes up in exchange for food. The ad would read:

Both couches are very comfortable. No stains or scratches.
Willing to exchange them for Mac- n- cheese

But, I need to pay some other bills.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jersey Shore

WTF!!! Little tan people are supposed to be cradled and feed Boones farm in a bottle, not punched out. Shame on you meat head guido. Seriously, this guy needs an ass kicking.

Is it just me...

Or has the year just flew by. No shit I'm wondering what the fuck happened. I mean I'm 22 now.I still feel 18 and not in a "I'm still a kid at heart" kind of way, its more of a "what the fuck have I accomplished since highschool" kind of way. And to answer the above question, uhh I moving back in with my mom. So things have been less than productive lately, but I'm working on bringing that back into my life. I wont have to pay rent in the next 4 months, so I can finally pay my bills (credit card companies are hounding me). I'm going to start volunteering again, letting my givingness shine bright.Oh, and I got one more semester till I go to a university. So things better start looking greener$ will soon or I'll be forced into drug trafficking, beacuse thats my only other option at this point.